Disagreeing Without Death Threats
When strong disagreements take place publicly, it’s no longer surprising when death threats occur – on both sides. Why is that? And what will it take to preserve space for productive disagreement in the days ahead?
When strong disagreements take place publicly, it’s no longer surprising when death threats occur – on both sides. Why is that? And what will it take to preserve space for productive disagreement in the days ahead?
Will we continue the patterns of contempt and division in this new America? Or will we reach for something better?
Tolerance must have its limits, but what should those limits be? Thinkers on the right and left have come to very different conclusions.
Along with scientific and historical reasons for concern, the words of modern prophets have consistently warned about the destructive potential of unbridled anger.
Despite the appearance of a sharp competition between coherent ideologies, could it be that America is divided by group loyalties and resentments more than anything else?
The anger of Bernie Sanders has often been discussed as a political liability. Could it actually be the very reason he’s doing so well?
Endless sales, politicking, and bickering have convinced many to see persuasion as a bad thing (“as long as you don’t try and persuade me”). We’re going to try and persuade you otherwise.
Let’s make the Pilgrims proud by shedding any tendency towards intolerance across social, political, and religious differences.
Something goes into building community that is different than simply banding together with people we like or share an ideology with. They’re not the same!
The fall of the Berlin Wall was an early memory as a child, scarcely comprehended. Americans today don’t seem to grasp its full import either. But they should.
It’s good to share truth we believe. It’s also good to hear truth on others’ hearts – something Joseph Smith embodied and emphasized in his life.
The word “tolerance” has two completely different meanings — and that’s why it’s imperative that when we say it, we clarify our intent.