Divine Dissonance: Navigating Revelation Personal and Prophetic
How can we understand personal revelation in a broad context of established beliefs and prophetic authority?
How can we understand personal revelation in a broad context of established beliefs and prophetic authority?
What is the best approach to ministering to those suffering through a Rumspringa period of youthful doubt, and help them resolve their perceived black swan objections to faith?
A near-death experience at 39 leads a mother to challenge her perceptions of entitlement, faith, and mortality.
Are eschatological discussions among Evangelicals and Latter-day Saints merely placeholders for culture war battles?
Early Americans saw intelligence and love in tension. But Latter-day Saint doctrine understood God’s nature differently.
Is spiritual drift inevitable, or are there choices we can make that lead to increased vulnerability to extremism?
Does the effort to craft a magical Christmas morning teach us something about the heart of a Father seeking to bring endless joy to us all?
Can Christmas heal sorrow? Those present for Jesus’ birth reveal how the holiday’s true meaning offers solace and hope.
Who is this Jesus Christ we worship? Knowing His true character is the key to our eternal progress.
Marital success hinges on humility over pride, with faith playing a key role in relationship harmony.
Contemporary culture is fostering narcissism which is increasingly finding expression in new gnosticism, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle that can lead to pathological outcomes.
What anchors the spiritual dedication of today’s American youth? Comprehensive research unveils commitments to traditions, God, scriptures, and community leaders as the guiding lights in their spiritual journeys.