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Category: Politics

Group Surrounding Horned Animal in Red Cloak | Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult | What is a Political Cult | Political Cults Examples | Public Square Magazine

Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult

U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult

The wake of a boat representing the effects of the Tim Ballard allegations

In the Wake of Scandal: Tim Ballard and the Latter-day Saints

When heroes like Tim Ballard face allegations, it shakes public trust and prompts reevaluation of beliefs. The fallibility of influencers, especially within religious communities, reveals the danger of elevating individuals over core principles.


A Latter-day Saint Case for Evan McMullin

Evan McMullin is committed to the ideals that founded our American republic—and embodies both an independence and bipartisan cooperation our country dearly needs. He’s also unwilling to excuse, rationalize or justify the real threats to democracy our former president represents.


A Latter-day Saint Case for Mike Lee

Senator Lee is guided by constitutional principles and a pragmatic approach to national issues and former President Trump. I trust his character and know that he sees the real threats from the radical left.


Has Politics Become Your New Religion?

Is the kingdom you seek in this world or the next? Here’s a little self-assessment to tell if it’s time to look in the mirror.

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