One Overlooked Reason Sexual Abuse Continues
Sexual abuse kept happening to me because it’s incredibly hard to notice the signs.
Sexual abuse kept happening to me because it’s incredibly hard to notice the signs.
More than simply “maladaptive coping,” using pornography involves, at root, an expression of love and adoration in another human body – trusting it to bring a kind of transcendence and liberation from what hurts in life.
You can. But don’t be surprised when others are swept away. And try to appreciate the courage of those working hard to turn their hearts towards something better and more beautiful.
I was surprised by how many discrepancies I found when comparing Rezendes’ AP article with the actual court documents. Here is a comprehensive list of contrasts between the two.
A formal request that the AP make key source documents publicly available to confirm and back up serious allegations being made.
We need to carefully weigh the complex factors that put children at risk of abuse against satisfying narratives of institutional treachery.
Few issues hold as much universal importance as child abuse. What does it mean when we’re not only unable to come together to confront this, but also seem increasingly eager to insist that others care less about fighting this than we do?
Forget the god with a hammer. Remember the God on the Cross.
In contrast with self-worship, authentic love of self is grounded in the transcendent love of God and the real understanding of identity His love conveys to us.
Here’s why the choice to stay in a marriage—rather than chase off after something else— might be so much more fulfilling.
With popular media and scholars unabashed about popularizing “consensual non-monogamy,” it’s time for some straight talk about the realities behind the alluring rhetoric of “open love.”
Especially when reality is deeply uncomfortable, a word like this has a way of sanitizing and obscuring the full and brutal picture of what’s actually taking place.