In 2014, Sharon Eubank was not yet well-known among Latter-day Saints, working as the director of LDS Charities. She spoke at FAIR’s conference on the theme, “This Is A Woman’s Church.” The audience gave her a standing ovation at the end, and no wonder, in light of powerful insights like this:
I recently spoke at the United Nations, and it was interesting because I represented a faith-based organization. Because we are conservative morally, a lot of people thought that our doctrine about women and men was conservative. Far from being restrictive and conservative, my contention is that the Church’s doctrine about the roles of women in the family, and the church, and the community, and the nation, and the temple and how men and women relate to each other and interplay and support each other and work together is the most moderate, and powerful, and enlightening and energizing doctrine that I know about. And if people truly understood it, it would blow their mind. And even being in this church all my life, I’m just scratching the surface of what this doctrine means for me.
In my years of volunteering for FAIR (Faithful Answers, Informed Response), I’ve relished hearing so many powerful ideas at our conference each summer: Presbyterian theologian Carl Trueman making sense of modern issues with psychology and identity. Brian Hales untangling the details of polygamy and polyandry. Church historians bringing alive the world and stories of past church leaders and members. Valerie Hudson lighting up the temple endowment in a way totally new to me. Church spokesman Michael Otterson explaining the church’s approach to public affairs. Catholic theologian and philosopher Stephen Webb appreciating the materialism of Latter-day Saint doctrine. Elder Kevin Pearson speaking on our duty to defend the Church. Elder Craig C. Christensen on foundations of our faith.
This year’s conference is coming soon, August 3-5 in Provo, and this year’s lineup of speakers is excellent and exciting: Brent Andrewsen on the Family Proclamation. Angela Fallentine and Carol Rice on defending and teaching the doctrines of family and chastity. Craig Foster on “Under the Banner of Heaven.” BYU professor Kerry Muhlestein on the Book of Isaiah. Neal Rappleye on ancient evidence for Ishmael and Nahom. Retired BYU professor Kent Jackson on the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. Lynne Wilson on restoring a kingdom of priests and priestesses. Jeffrey Thayne on how our moral intuitions affect our faith. Ty Mansfield on building common ground with the LGBT+ community.
“Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.” Austin Farrer
Each year we make sure there’s something (hopefully multiple somethings!) for everyone. Parents teaching their children and inoculating them against common criticisms. Leaders working with struggling members and their families. Writers and influencers who want to defend the Church. Enthusiasts and bibliophiles who just think church history and theology are really fun. Each year it’s delightful to see so many good people I admire and love at the conference and build the unique camaraderie of those who feel impelled to better understand, explain, and defend the Church. Everyone can benefit, not just apologists and scholars. I hope you’ll join us, either in person in Provo or via free online streaming. You can purchase tickets or register for streaming here.
FAIR has always moved forward on a wing and a prayer: a band of volunteers, a very small staff of employees stretched too thin, amazing things accomplished by scholars and academics and amateurs and ordinary saints who come out of nowhere to produce great research and insights. We immensely appreciate every volunteer, donor, and supporter.
We do so much more than our yearly conference, too. FAIR defends the Church through additional articles, videos, and projects, like our recent materials examining “Under the Banner of Heaven” and our deep dive into accusations against President Oaks during his presidency of BYU. We have thousands of web pages of articles, wiki explainers, podcasts, and helpful information, all intended to answer questions and strengthen faith.
The world has thought it was taking a kill shot against the Church plenty of times, but it’s always wrong.
My favorite thing about volunteering for FAIR is, in contrast to the darkness of some efforts against the Church, it provides a spirit of optimism and fearlessness. I’m not afraid of what critics will dig up. I’m not afraid of what new research or propaganda or personalities will say. The world has thought it was taking a kill shot against the Church plenty of times, but it’s always wrong. The Lord always inspires someone with the right knowledge and skill to carefully examine the accusation, place it in context, show its weaknesses, and come out ahead.
Please join us for our conference! We’re excited to have you join us, learn with us, and maybe even contribute to our efforts. Defending the church and strengthening faith is an exciting, fascinating, and fulfilling work. We’d love to have more shoulders put to the wheel.