How do changes to a sacred symbol like the temple garment reveal deeper concerns about judgment, modesty, and identity within the faith community?
A prisoner unravels his mother's adoption, revealing a legacy marred by racism, abuse, and addiction.
Is spiritual drift inevitable, or are there choices we can make that lead to increased vulnerability to extremism?
Is there hope after post-traumatic stress? A story of trauma that reveals a pathway to resilience.
There is a moment where the Dreamers team is waiting to hear if they will attend an upcoming competition. They wait. Their coach comes out. “Yes,” she says. The group pauses. Nothing happens. The coach says yes again, and suddenly, everyone cheers. The scene is emblematic of the joys and shortfalls of Angel Studios’ latest...
What is the real ecological crisis? Family and fertility decline threaten human and societal sustainability.
Is freedom purely external? True freedom comes from inner strength and spiritual liberation, not political victories.