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Tag: America

Group Surrounding Horned Animal in Red Cloak | Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult | What is a Political Cult | Political Cults Examples | Public Square Magazine

Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult

U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult

MLK Jr. Graphic w/ Colored Music Notes | MLK’s I Have a Dream | Public Square Magazine | Martin Luther King Speech Analysis | I Have a Dream Analysis | I Have a Dream Speech Analysis
Racial Healing

The Symphony of Protest: MLK’s I Have a Dream

How did Dr. King’s nonviolent approach shape America’s racial discourse? Through scripture and history, King’s “Dream” speech masterfully balanced moral integrity with a call for change.


Americans Once More?

Are some of the most practical and timely solutions to our mounting civic crises awaiting rediscovery in the plain light of the Declaration’s Truths?

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