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Tag: Christianity


How Jesus Can Cure Our Hatred

There’s more than enough animosity and division going around today, with plenty of people proposing “the answer.” What if Jesus taught the true solution all along?


Easter is Reality

Many now believe that the more advanced your faith becomes, the less likely you are to embrace the literal realities of scripture. Jesus taught something far more exciting than that.

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Bites of the Best Books: March 2021

This month, passages about the most potent moral figure in Western culture, the influences on Augustine,
and the enduring wisdom of the prophet Jeremiah.

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Bites of the Best Books: February 2021

This month, passages on the unending quest for knowledge, what we should pray for, and the importance of charitable thinking.


Thou Shalt Not Whine

To complain is a normal human response to the difficulties of life. But Christians have in scripture a contrast between the spiritually-healthy practice of lament and the soul-corroding practice of murmuring.

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Bites of the Best Books: January 2021

This month, passages on rebirth, the pursuit of utopia, why we are commanded to honor parents, the importance of welcoming a God who can contradict us, and the need to embrace interfaith solidarity.

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Soul and pre-existence in pop culture

While the afterlife is often seen in pop culture, the premortality is seen much less. Why? And why does the subject remain so irresistible to artists?


Let’s Forgive 2020

If you’re eager to move on from 2020, join the club. Before we do, let’s do one thing first.


Social Justice and Christmas

As increasing attention is paid to the fight against injustice, there seems to be far less interest in the quality of life that justice is ushering people towards – and its meaning and positive purpose. On those questions, Christmas lays before us some precious answers worth celebrating.

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