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Tag: Christians

A researcher in a modern library studies numerology and the Bible, showing both difficulty in subscribing any real meaning to it.
Gospel Fare

Numerology or Nonsense?

Is numerology reliable? Despite intriguing patterns, it often leads to confusion and misinterpretation.

Gospel Fare

What Shall We Give?

Would we be willing to give up our ideas this Christmas? Or is it too hard to believe in a God that asks hard things of us—unpopular things and countercultural things?

Church & State

How Partisan Passions Are Undermining Christian Community

Some have stepped away from Christian fellowship after witnessing examples of hypocrisy within faith communities across the country during pandemic and political fights. How can followers of Jesus do better in the future?


The Expressive Self: Identity Above Truth

Influential voices tell us that to be yourself, you need to reject external sources of meaning—and follow “your truth.” But detaching authenticity from truth leads to emptiness, not fulfillment.

A person alone with a computer, highlighting the despair linked to pornography use.
Sexuality & Family

Whose Body Will Save Us from The Pain Inside?

More than simply “maladaptive coping,” using pornography involves, at root, an expression of love and adoration in another human body – trusting it to bring a kind of transcendence and liberation from what hurts in life.

Social Justice

Sometimes God Really Does Want Us to Fight

Nonviolence is a wonderful aspiration, but is it always God’s will? In the face of true evil, Latter-day prophets make clear our obligation to sometimes fight.

Gospel Fare

The Hope Resurrection Provides Here and Now

Talk of resurrection usually hearkens to a day far off into the future when all will be made right—with little reference to the fears and despairs crowding us right now.


Our Worship of the New

Modern minds tend to exult in new ideas—while scoffing at those of the past. Could that hubris help explain some of our crises today?


The Christian Obligation to Support Ukraine

Amidst lots of talk justifying inaction or neutrality in regards to Ukraine, Christians have a much harder time defending such a conclusion if they take their own scriptures seriously.

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