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Tag: Christmas

A family cherishes modest gifts, highlighting the essence of Giving at Christmas.

The Spiritual Side of Christmas Consumerism

Does the effort to craft a magical Christmas morning teach us something about the heart of a Father seeking to bring endless joy to us all?

Family of Three Looking at Snowy Christmas Scenery | The Original True Meaning of Christmas | Public Square Magazine | What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

The Original True Meaning of Christmas

Can Christmas heal sorrow? Those present for Jesus’ birth reveal how the holiday’s true meaning offers solace and hope.

Statue Of Green Angel Holding a Red Rose | Angels All Around Us | Public Square Magazine | Mine Angels Round About You, To Bear You Up | Angels Are All Around Us
Gospel Fare

Angels All Around Us

A Christmas present from our team to the many who are grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season. May you rejoice to know what is coming and feel peace at what is already here.  

Gospel Fare

What Shall We Give?

Would we be willing to give up our ideas this Christmas? Or is it too hard to believe in a God that asks hard things of us—unpopular things and countercultural things?


Agape Love for Christmas

So many of our conflicts today stem from a mistaken, deformed notion of love—one that departs sharply from what Jesus Himself taught long ago.


How Islam Is Bringing Me Clarity This Christmas

As we think of Jesus during the holidays, let us consider His filial relationship with the Father and what it means to be a family ruled by love and unity.


Christmas Renovation

So much anger. So much despair. So much fear. Could this Christmas be a time to clear the air of some of that in our own relationships, neighborhoods, and homes?


Trying to Christmas Like Jesus

It’s hard for most of us to resist the sheer momentum of America’s consumerist Christmas. But once you’ve witnessed precious families just barely surviving—like Joseph and Mary of old—it’s impossible to celebrate Christmas the same way.

Gospel Fare

Wanting Jesus

Believers talk a lot about seeking and following Christ, but do we want Him more than all the other many delicious offerings around us? Not always so much.

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