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Tag: COVID-19

Climate & End Times

Dialogue on Life and Death Matters

When it comes to public discourse, not all conversations are equally challenging. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us how angry disagreements about health are.


Can Fasting Save the World?

In a world of such serious threats, can a global fast like President Russell Nelson proposed for Good Friday really make that much of a difference?


The Coronavirus Choice We’re Not Talking About

Is this a time to mostly get through and distract ourselves until we can get back to normal? Or are there precious adjustments this challenge could prompt us all to make?


Kumbaya Without Holding Hands

Will we continue the patterns of contempt and division in this new America? Or will we reach for something better?


Working from Home? Let Me Show You the Ropes

As the coronavirus pandemic is spreading throughout the world, working from home is becoming the new norm — but will it change how we interact?

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