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Tag: Faith

Stop being mediocre like the declawed cat in this painting
Mental Health

Living In a World of Declawed Souls

Does modern life suffer from a widespread lack of passion and wonder? And if so, what can we do about it?

American Families of Faith

The Silent Revival: How Today’s Youth Anchor Their Faith

What anchors the spiritual dedication of today’s American youth? Comprehensive research unveils commitments to traditions, God, scriptures, and community leaders as the guiding lights in their spiritual journeys.

Ex-Brother Bundy and the Gift of Discernment

Family Bro Evening: “Ex-Brother Bundy and the Gift of Discernment” In this thought-provoking episode, the hosts of Family Bro Evening dive deep into one of the

Town Celebrating Halloween Artwork | Of Grave Importance: Sacralizing Halloween | Public Square Magazine | Do Mormons Celebrate Halloween | Mormon Celebrate Halloween

Of Grave Importance: Sacralizing Halloween

How do Latter-day Saints view Halloween? By intertwining the playful spirit of the festivity with profound faith traditions, they can foster community, celebrate gratitude, and honor past lineage.

American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters: Glimpsing the Divine

What defines a genuine spiritual experience? True spirituality is a journey beyond self, connecting deeply with the divine and extending concern to all.

American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters. Answered Prayers

As one man grapples with profound questions about God’s presence, he discovers through personal encounters that God indeed listens, responds, and loves deeply, even amidst doubt.

Symbolic portrayal of a person's sacred experiences in prayer.
Gospel Fare

The Empirical Power of Spiritual Experience

Amid the seemingly inexplicable events and doctrines of Christianity, the power of personal encounters with the divine emerges as a key to authentic belief. Sharing these experiences bridges generations.

Woman in Crowd Letting Go of Dove | How Reimagining Social Justice Could Ease the Culture War | Public Square Magazine | Religion and Social Justice | Faith and Social Justice
Social Justice

How Reimagining Social Justice Could Ease the Culture War

Given such a strong divergence in views over social justice, how could we not fall into the larger culture wars? Because God expects something better from us. A parting aspiration for a peacemaking pathway forward.

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