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Tag: forgiveness


How Jesus Can Cure Our Hatred

There’s more than enough animosity and division going around today, with plenty of people proposing “the answer.” What if Jesus taught the true solution all along?


Let’s Forgive 2020

If you’re eager to move on from 2020, join the club. Before we do, let’s do one thing first.


How We Heal

The division is growing. And the American people are weary. But the truth of forgiveness and reconciliation is no less available and promising. One mediator’s perspective.


How Collective Healing Happens

In all the debate around appropriate accountability, reform, and policy change, far less attention has gone to how to find healing together as a people.


Anger and the Modern Prophetic Voice

Along with scientific and historical reasons for concern, the words of modern prophets have consistently warned about the destructive potential of unbridled anger.

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