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Tag: Freedom

Children playing with American flags, representing LDS faith and patriotism amid Christian Nationalism.
Church & State

Star Spangled Saints

How do Latter-day Saints navigate the US Constitution and their faith’s history? It’s a complex picture with both gratitude and warnings.


The Iranian Protests Are More Than What You’re Seeing

It’s hard to know what’s happening in Iran with the internet blackout. Here’s a guide from an Iranian friend keeping close tabs on protest developments, with the help of family and friends in the country.

Social Justice

Sometimes God Really Does Want Us to Fight

Nonviolence is a wonderful aspiration, but is it always God’s will? In the face of true evil, Latter-day prophets make clear our obligation to sometimes fight.


A Day to Remember

“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.” That sentiment by Winston Churchill has been deeply felt by many over the years. Do we feel it anymore today?

Birth of Old Glory, Betsy Ross Showing the Flag to Washington | America, Land of Promise and Destiny | Public Square Magazine | Land of America | Is America Land of Free

America, Land of Promise and Destiny

To speak of America as exceptional is not to vaunt ourselves as better than other nations or peoples. Rather, it’s to celebrate and give rightful gratitude to founding principles that are inspired in their protection of sacred freedom.


What Does it Mean to Love America?

Does loving America mean loving the people living there? I think so. And from my own experience, it’s not just soldiers we can thank for patriotic service to our nation.

Political Atmosphere

Has Half the Country Gone Mad?

It’s increasingly common to hear people argue, with utter sincerity, that half of Americans have gone bonkers. Is that really true? Or is this a paradigm shift in the making?

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