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Tag: motherhood

Family Matters

Losing and Finding Myself in Motherhood

As a young mother, I was a conflicted woman—torn apart by two dreams: “Where did the old me go?” This is how my struggle with children miraculously changed into joy and love unimagined.

Close up of Two Women's Smiling Eyes Side-by-Side | Envy, The Wall Between Women | Public Square Magazine | The Wall Women | Between Women | Covet vs Envy

Envy, The Wall Between Women

An undercurrent of envy can poison relationships, breed division, and chase away joy. Let’s overcome covetousness so we can find a life of abundance instead.

Climate & End Times

Don’t You Dare Say “Woman”

As we are encouraged towards language like “pregnant person,” “birthing person,” and “menstruators” in the name of greater inclusivity, you have to wonder whether those identifying primarily as “woman” or “mother” are feeling included too?

Jordan Peterson Speaking Photo | Jordan Peterson Made Me a Better Mother | Public Square Magazine | Jordan Peterson Raising Child | Jordan Peterson Devouring Mothers

How Jordan Peterson Made Me a Better Mother

When various affirming and discontented voices didn’t help me in my attempts to improve as a mother, I decided to give Jordan Peterson a try.


Treasuring All That God Has Revealed

It’s unwise to hope for future revelation while rejecting the insight God has brought forth today—especially when it comes to a doctrine that prophets have so emphatically taught will not change.

Family Matters

The Perilous Power of Hidden Assumptions in the Abortion Debate

Selectively choosing to end the life of a fetus out of concern for that baby’s future presumes the very notion that many abortion advocates often deny: that is, that this fetus is, in fact, a person—and someone whose quality of life (and existence itself) matters as much as it does for any of us.

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