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Tag: Philosophy

A crowned professor in a modern classroom, illustrating the conflation of power and knowledge in the crisis in higher education.

How Power Masquerades as Education

What truly defines education? Is it merely a tool for power, or is there a deeper pursuit of truth, wisdom, beauty, and virtue? Academia faces an ongoing battle for its soul.

In a modern classroom, books and a chalkboard feature question marks, symbolizing skepticism and postmodernism in education.

The Academy’s Creed of Skepticism

Higher education is in the midst of an era-sized shift, placing radical skepticism and activism at the center.

Graduates at a solemn ceremony ponder their futures, highlighting the existential uncertainty of the Higher Education Crisis.

The Crisis of Purpose in Academia

Higher education faces a crisis of purpose, with its moral and intellectual foundations eroded by modernism and postmodernism.

Man in Rustic Barn on Cloudy Night | Sacred Encounters. Answered Prayers | Public Square Magazine | A Divine Encounter with God | What is Divine Encounter Meaning
American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters. Answered Prayers

As one man grapples with profound questions about God’s presence, he discovers through personal encounters that God indeed listens, responds, and loves deeply, even amidst doubt.


Our Worship of the New

Modern minds tend to exult in new ideas—while scoffing at those of the past. Could that hubris help explain some of our crises today?

Media & Education

Bites of the Best Books: November 2020

Five books that contain sentences and paragraphs and pages full of unique ideas that move our minds, touch our hearts, and fill our souls with light.

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