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Tag: Religious Persecution

Climate & End Times

The Mark of the Beast is More Than a Punchline

If journalists had greater religious literacy, they could have predicted and addressed religious concerns that vaccine passports resembled the mark of the beast rather than resorting to ridicule.


Why Aren’t We There Yet as a Society? A Latter-day Saint Case for Hope

In response to those sensitive souls asking, “Why am I not there yet as a person?” or “Why are we not there yet as a society?” Latter-day Saint theology offers a patient optimism for steady growth in us and around us—along with the anticipation of collective light to become “brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”

Church & State

Donald Trump is not Brigham Young

The Washington Post wisely warned against worsening public dialogue. But to get there they made a weak connection to Brigham Young that missed the historical mark.

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