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Tag: Trials

A young girl amidst sunflowers reaching for sunlight, embodying joy vs happiness.
Gospel Fare

The Enduring Nature of Joy

Should we always be ‘happy?’ A close look at the doctrine indicates that ‘joy’ is what provides enduring peace.

Family of Three Looking at Snowy Christmas Scenery | The Original True Meaning of Christmas | Public Square Magazine | What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

The Original True Meaning of Christmas

Can Christmas heal sorrow? Those present for Jesus’ birth reveal how the holiday’s true meaning offers solace and hope.


In Awe of Creation

When was the last time you felt awe for what you see, feel, and experience around you? As easy as it is to fixate on the negatives around us, don’t miss out on the sweetness of relishing the jaw-dropping goodness and beauty all around us too.

Church & State

Struggle Doesn’t Make You Special

Those who wrestle are not a separate category of humans. That describes all of us. If so, the key question is not whether we are “willing to wrestle,” but rather, where that wrestle ultimately takes each of us.


Injustice, Outrage, and the Problem of Atheodicy

However challenging it has been to make sense of evil as believers, try doing that without God in the picture. As many conclude there is no ultimate purpose or justification in evil, there is likewise no sense of ultimate redemption from it either. How could you not then feel despair and outrage?

Man w/ Flowers, Looking at Tombstone in Cemetery | Make The Good Times Stop: Pop Culture’s Fixation on Eternal Oblivion | Public Square Magazine | Eternal Oblivion

Making Meaning of COVID Loss

Job’s words, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord,” are especially meaningful post-COVID.


The Virtues of Strong Disagreement

Serious differences generate serious discomfort for us all. Could that be why they’re so good for us?

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