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Tag: Ukraine

Ivan Kramskoi's "Christ in the Wilderness" underlines the solitude, temptation, and moral dilemmas mirrored in the Latter-day Saints' discourse on the Ukraine War.
Gospel Fare

Rethinking Righteousness in the Shadow of War

What does the Ukraine War mean in Latter-day Saint Christian ethics? Latter-day Saints view all violence, even justified self-defense, as an aberration from divine love and affection, underscoring the call for universal repentance and reconciliation.

Climate & End Times

De-Nazifying The Church

Plenty of horrifying things in history have been justified as accomplishing “great good.” That’s true of the atrocities in Ukraine. And it’s also true of those tearing apart the faith of believers young and old.

Meetinghouse Used for Ukranian Refugees

Among the interesting details in LDS Daily’s stellar reporting today is about a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse that is being used to house and support refugees


It’s Okay to Turn It Off

As valuable as it can be to stay updated on world affairs, the intimate and incessant witnessing of human heartache in the digital age can be overwhelming and distract from other important things. Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries.


The Christian Obligation to Support Ukraine

Amidst lots of talk justifying inaction or neutrality in regards to Ukraine, Christians have a much harder time defending such a conclusion if they take their own scriptures seriously.


Loving Neighbors by Standing Up to Their Slaughter

If we are advancing God’s desired peace and love for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, let’s not overlook the clear scriptural justification for strong intervention as an expression of that same love and desire for peace

Political Atmosphere

We Can’t Even Agree on Vladimir Putin?

If we can’t even agree about the threatened invasion of a democratic, sovereign nation playing out before us, what does that say about our own condition as an American people?

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