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Author: Gale Boyd

Gale Boyd
Gale Boyd has been a teacher, poet, author, and editor and is currently the copy editor for Public Square Magazine. Born in D.C. and raised in L.A., she joined the Church at age 16, converting from Science, which was the religion in her home. She discovered her true heritage a few years later and began her deep dive into Judaism at that point. Fifteen years into her temple marriage, her then family of seven began their 14-year adventure in international living by moving to Israel, where they lived for 8 years, adding one more child and changing the trajectory of eight lives.
Man Looking at Paper & Yarn Linked on Chalkboard | Numerology or Nonsense? | Public Square Magazine | Jewish Mysticism & Numerology | Why Numerology is Nonsense
Gospel Fare

Numerology or Nonsense?

Is numerology reliable? Despite intriguing patterns, it often leads to confusion and misinterpretation.

Gospel Fare

Is Our Heavenly Mother Conversation Drawing People To Christ?

Anytime we draw extra attention to any particular truth in the gospel panorama, there is a natural risk of decentering or even unmooring our focus on Christ. Raising a few final questions about Bethany & McArthur’s article earlier this week.

Election Aftermath

The January 6 Hearings Are Not Just a Political Stunt

A hallmark of polarized America is an eagerness to hear anything confirming our biases and total rejection of those things that don’t. If that’s what you’re doing with the January 6th hearings, you’re missing something important.

Climate & End Times

A Look at Pastoral Burnout

Most American faiths are facing a shortage of pastors due to burnout and the avoidance of ministry among young people. Are there lessons from the Latter-day Saint experience that can help our fellow Christian brothers and sisters?

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