My son asked me what “Love Hurts” was about. I told him it was about how we can’t just move on from our past. “Oh,” he looked concerned, “That’s a bad movie.” Unlike my son concluded, “Love Hurts” isn’t a bad movie, but it’s not a Christian one. The theme repeated over and over is...
What is the real ecological crisis? Family and fertility decline threaten human and societal sustainability.
Is freedom purely external? True freedom comes from inner strength and spiritual liberation, not political victories.
The dwindling sense of a common pursuit of truth is contributing to a deteriorating public discourse. Maybe it’s time to stand up for the truth about truth.
Fixed scripture often ossifies faith. The Church of Jesus Christ solves this by perpetual revelation through recognized prophets.
When we seek to blame others for tragedy, it ultimately coarsens our souls and destroys our peace. The antidote is to take responsibility and reject blame.
As we look to make sense of the news of this last week, it may be wise to look back on a more than 50 year old film that asks what exactly is an oath.
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