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Category: Faith

Gospel Fare

Covid Peacemaking for Latter-day Saint Families

Many Latter-day Saint congregations have experienced deep conflict over our varied perspectives on COVID-19. This presents a teaching opportunity for Latter-day Saint families; the healing of divides in our congregations begins in each of our homes.


Trying to Christmas Like Jesus

It’s hard for most of us to resist the sheer momentum of America’s consumerist Christmas. But once you’ve witnessed precious families just barely surviving—like Joseph and Mary of old—it’s impossible to celebrate Christmas the same way.

Fence Builders By NC Wyeth | Rules vs. Principles: Which Should We Benchmark Our Lives Against | Public Square Magazine | Laws vs. Principles Bible Explanation
Gospel Fare

Rules vs. Principles: Which Should We Benchmark Our Lives Against?

Compared with adherence to specific rules alone, the proactive pursuit to align our lives with the higher truths of the gospel is far more soul-stretching and demanding. Maybe that’s why Jesus encouraged the latter while cautioning against the former.

Gospel Fare

Wanting Jesus

Believers talk a lot about seeking and following Christ, but do we want Him more than all the other many delicious offerings around us? Not always so much.

Climate & End Times

A Contagion of Comfort and Security

As the “great machine of pleasure and happiness” of our modern society expands, so also does our dependence on this larger system. Does the innate “inquietude” and “unease” say something about the ongoing shrinkage of our own souls this entails?


The Gentle Power of Dave Joseph, Dialogue Legend

A tribute to a friend, teacher, and mentor to many young dialogue practitioners—including myself. Dave passed away October 25, 2021, and was memorialized this last weekend in Rhode Island.

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