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Category: Faith


The Gentle Power of Dave Joseph, Dialogue Legend

A tribute to a friend, teacher, and mentor to many young dialogue practitioners—including myself. Dave passed away October 25, 2021, and was memorialized this last weekend in Rhode Island.


Visualizing Heavenly Mother

The “Certain Women” exhibit in Salt Lake reveals how Latter-day Saint women perceive the divine, including the unique doctrine of Heavenly Mother.

Gospel Fare

Understanding Demons

Popular culture often uses demonic themes for shock value, with many modern commentators denying the existence of Satan or demons outright. But believers benefit from understanding the reality of demonic influence, and clues to the nature of that influence are found in the demons’ own words in scripture.

Church & State

Not Giving Up on a Shared Vision of Truth

Unity of heart may be possible even when visions temporarily differ. But continuing to value and strive for growing unity of mind is also crucial to the body of Christ.

American Families of Faith

Latter-day Saint Families: Eternal Perspectives

Latter-day Saints draw strength from doctrines of the eternal nature of family and from religious practices that unify our community. Many of these strengthening teachings and practices are shared by other communities, and this is something to celebrate.


The Conference Themes That Press on Our Mind

This last weekend, we participated in our semiannual General Conference, listening to the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here are some themes that stood out to our staff.

American Families of Faith

Mainline Protestant Families: Loving God and Family Members

For those in America’s dominant Protestant faiths, their understanding of God and their relationship with Him provides a model for how they believe they should interact with their spouses and children.


Have You Heard the Biggest Church Lie?

Some who step away from the Church of Jesus Christ insist they’ve been lied to in a grand deception they’re only now recognizing. To all my wonderful brothers and sisters this committed to integrity and the whole truth, I would ask you to hear me out. Can you be open to seeing even more than you’ve seen before?

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