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Tag: Curiosity

Abstract Illustration of People in a Library | A Plea to Librarians | Is Library Neutrality Possible | Why Libraries are Not Neutral | Are Libraries Neutral | Public Square Magazine

A Plea to Librarians

In our increasingly divisive country, public libraries stand as one of the few neutral civic spaces. But pervasive ideological tilt may prove a death knell. Librarians, however, can save the library as a sanctuary for all.

Stop being mediocre like the declawed cat in this painting
Mental Health

Living In a World of Declawed Souls

Does modern life suffer from a widespread lack of passion and wonder? And if so, what can we do about it?


Good Questions as a Pathway to Peace

So many other things seem to be failing to break through the mounting cultural warfare. Maybe it’s time to get back to basics and rediscover the power of finding the right question?

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