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Tag: Death

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Gospel Fare

Angels All Around Us

A Christmas present from our team to the many who are grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season. May you rejoice to know what is coming and feel peace at what is already here.  

Gospel Fare

When Therapy Subverts Change

Americans love to feel validated and explore external influences on their circumstances. Yet these therapeutic activities, when overdone, can sideline and subvert the value of personal change.

Social Justice

Processing the Unthinkable

Some of the charged responses to inexplicable tragedies like this are only understandable. And some are clearly standing in the way of both greater healing and more effective prevention of future violence.

Gary Wilson Portrait | There’s One More Atheist in Heaven | Public Square Magazine | Gary Wilson Author | Gary Wilson Death | Gary Wilson Cause of Death

There’s One More Atheist in Heaven

Gary Wilson provided research clarity to the ill effects of pornography on the brain, for this he was harassed and hounded in life. His death gives us an opportunity to praise his work.


Christmas Joy & Mourning

At Christmas we often focus on the joy of Christ, but just as important is the way that Christ embraces our sorrows and heals our wounds.

Family Matters

A Latter-day Saint Defense of the Unborn

It has become popular for people of faith to seek a middle ground in the abortion debate of being “personally opposed” while according choice to others. This is why I think that position is problematic.

Climate & End Times

Apocalyptic, and Not Ashamed to Say It

What those who scorn believers in Christ’s return don’t understand is how much hope these beliefs bring—far more than any fear for what is surely coming.

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