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Tag: Extremism

Man Looking at Paper & Yarn Linked on Chalkboard | Numerology or Nonsense? | Public Square Magazine | Jewish Mysticism & Numerology | Why Numerology is Nonsense
Gospel Fare

Numerology or Nonsense?

Is numerology reliable? Despite intriguing patterns, it often leads to confusion and misinterpretation.

Climate & End Times

The Book Banning Brouhaha

Compared to conservative parents accused of trying to “ban books,” librarians making preemptive restrictions on other books are seen as “doing their job.” Can this conversation be rescued from its political skew?

Climate & End Times

Unraveling Trust in the North American Church

Latter-day Saints enjoy high levels of social trust in their communities thanks to shared beliefs and values. This is a blessing, but it has made us vulnerable to bad actors who misrepresent their beliefs.

Louis Moeller 'Different Opinions' | How CRT & Classical Liberalism Collide | Public Square Magazine | Critique of Liberalism Critical Race Theory | Who is the Father of Classical Liberalism
Social Justice

How CRT and Classical Liberalism Collide

Most people seem not to appreciate how deeply some of the popular ideas advanced by advocates of Critical Race Theory conflict with the foundations of liberal democracy. More, not less, attention needs to be given to this disconnect.


The Doctrine of Christ is Not Racist

Like the accusations against its history, some have insisted the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ has racism “embedded” within it. Are those making this claim aware of what the Church actually teaches? 

Election Aftermath

Not Who We Are…Right?

If it’s true yesterday “did not reflect the core of who we are as Americans,” the siege of our nation’s capital does say something about who many of us are becoming. Is this just another step on a downward spiral, or could it become a legitimate turning point for our nation’s trajectory?

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