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Tag: pandemic

Climate & End Times

A Look at Pastoral Burnout

Most American faiths are facing a shortage of pastors due to burnout and the avoidance of ministry among young people. Are there lessons from the Latter-day Saint experience that can help our fellow Christian brothers and sisters?

Gospel Fare

Covid Peacemaking for Latter-day Saint Families

Many Latter-day Saint congregations have experienced deep conflict over our varied perspectives on COVID-19. This presents a teaching opportunity for Latter-day Saint families; the healing of divides in our congregations begins in each of our homes.


Long-term, Short-term

In advance of the likely approval and administration of COVID-19 vaccination to many younger children, it’s worth revisiting an important question in pharmacological research generally: How long does evidence gathering need to extend in order to deem an intervention “safe” or “effective”?

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Recognizing Our Need for Rebirth

The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-century experience that should be reforming us at the soul level. Is it?


How the Pandemic Impacted Faith

Did the pandemic year draw people away from religious community and commitments— or reinforce them? The answer is both—depending on who you’re talking about.

Media & Education

What is Wrong With the Housing Market?

As house prices rise across the country, many are left wondering why. Which of these factors are temporary from the pandemic, and which are long-term?


The Most Reviled Minority in America?

It’s understandable that many would have questions and concerns with the percentage of people declining the COVID-19 vaccine. But rather than make space for a human exchange about serious fears on both sides, incendiary rhetoric makes such conversation impossible, by insisting the only reason for dissent is selfishness or blatant ignorance.

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