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Tag: Trust


On Hard Hearts and Soft Minds

To truly think critically requires more than rhetorical skill. It begins by cultivating the right feelings.


What’s the Greatest Threat to Public Discourse?

Would you say the greatest threat to public discourse is misinformation or censorship (or both)? Depending on that answer, we’re drawn to very different “solutions” – taking very different directions for America’s future.


Deciding Who to Trust

The question of trust is front and center in crises in America today. Some declare a need to “trust more”—while others insist on less and a need for more scrutiny and critique. What if they are both right?

Election Aftermath

The Problem with Demanding Trust

If we want to cultivate public confidence in the election, condemning or dismissing entirely those with concerns about the vote won’t help us get there. And making space for a little suspicion and caution shouldn’t hurt either.

Politics & Law

When Trust Dies

What happens when most Americans stop trusting our institutions? We’re about to find out.


AstraZeneca and Pfizer Will Save Us

After years of studying contrasting health narratives and their correspondence with actual scientific data, I can’t help but say, be wary of the medical salvation story. It’s usually too good to be true.

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