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Tag: women

Family Matters

Losing and Finding Myself in Motherhood

As a young mother, I was a conflicted woman—torn apart by two dreams: “Where did the old me go?” This is how my struggle with children miraculously changed into joy and love unimagined.

Jordan Peterson Speaking Photo | Jordan Peterson Made Me a Better Mother | Public Square Magazine | Jordan Peterson Raising Child | Jordan Peterson Devouring Mothers

How Jordan Peterson Made Me a Better Mother

When various affirming and discontented voices didn’t help me in my attempts to improve as a mother, I decided to give Jordan Peterson a try.

Family Matters

Emma Smith: A Case Study for Women in Worship

D&C 25 is the perfect case study for how Christ interacts and engages with women. In part 2, Carter Charles examines the role of women in worship.

Family Matters

How Christ Includes and Empowers Women

The 25th Section of a sacred text for Latter-day Saints called the Doctrine and Covenants is a perfect case study for how Christ interacts and engages with women. In part 1, Carter Charles examines matrimony and election.

Family Matters

The Witness of Women

The Jewish holiday of Purim which is celebrated today, honors Queen Esther, who risked the wrath of her Persian husband-king to save her people. This essay is a tribute to women who have risked much to witness both anciently and in our day.

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