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Dubai’s Sikh Leaders Visit First Presidency + Today’s Digest

Our daily rundown of the articles from around the web that we feel our readers would enjoy and appreciate. We hope to highlight the best of what’s around.

Public Square Bulletin recommends:

Sikh Leaders from Dubai Meet with First Presidency

Church Newsroom

Surender and Bubbles Kandhari visited with the First Presidency yesterday. The two Sikh leaders from the United Arab Emirates spoke about the love they felt during their visit.

National Day of Prayer Primer

To celebrate the National Day of Prayer, be sure to head over and check out our article listing some of the best things we’ve read about prayer.

Faith, Doubt, and Murder in ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’

Sergio Lopez —Sojourners

While there has been no shortage of think pieces about Under the Banner of Heaven, including in our own magazine, I wanted to direct your attention to a particularly thoughtful piece in Sojourners. While Lopez misses the tone-deaf elements that miss our faith, he recognizes some of the thoughtful questions it asks.

America’s Blue-Red Divide Is About to Get Starker

Ronald Brownstein — The Atlantic

Since we had published a piece suggesting that the end of Roe could lead to greater unity, I wanted to direct your attention to this piece predicting the opposite result. Brownstein’s basic thesis is that as states have more distinct abortion laws, our country will be more different from state to state.

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Is Personal Experience the Final Arbiter of Truth?

Personal responses to UBOH and the AP story have been correlated with underlying feelings about the Church. While somewhat predictable, this does raise serious questions about how to know the truth about any matter involving strong feelings.

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