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Rabbi Against Roe + Today’s Digest

Our daily rundown of the articles from around the web that we feel our readers would enjoy and appreciate. We hope to highlight the best of what’s around.

Public Square Bulletin recommends:

Why I welcome the prospect of Roe v. Wade being overturned

Rabbi Avi Shafran – NBC News

While some American Jews have worried about how potentially overturning Roe v. Wade might impact their own religious freedom, one Rabbi writes for NBC news about how overturning Roe comports well with his own faith.

Should Courts Assess the Sincerity of Religious Beliefs

Linda Greenhouse – The Atlantic

Last week we wrote in the Bulletin about how courts should avoid assessing the sincerity of religious beliefs, even when it may prove uncomfortable. But Linda Greenhouse for the Atlantic sees religious freedom claims being abused and presents the opposite case.

107 Florida congregations leaving UMC to join new conservative church network amid LGBT debate

Michael Gryboski – Christian Post

The official split of the United Methodist Church was delayed so often during COVID that many congregations in Florida have recently voted to join the Global Methodist Church instead. The schism is largely based on the United Methodist Church’s increasingly liberalized stance on LGBT+ issues.

Christianity Is Under Trial With the “Praying Coach” Case

Auguste Meyrat – Crisis Magazine

With many ideologies taught at public schools with the imprimatur of the school, one coach’s decision to pray after football games has gone to the Supreme Court. Auguste Meyrat argues that because of the many ideologies available at schools, the question is whether religious individuals are afforded the same expression rights as others.

Our Moral Pandemic: Christian Nationalism and Political Idolatry

Drew J. Strait – Sojourners

Drew J. Strait has a simple Q&A style article on Christian Nationalism, what it is, how it contradicts Christianity, and what we can do about it.

About the author

C.D. Cunningham

C.D. Cunningham is the managing editor of Public Square magazine. After graduating from BYU-Idaho, he studied religion at Harvard University Extension. He serves on the board of the Latter-day Saint Publishing and Media Association.
On Key

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