“You’re Cordially Invited” is a movie about terrible behavior before a wedding. In an intriguing riff on the premise, the brides are the ones on their best behavior. When Jim (Will Ferrell) calls the venue where he and his late wife were married to schedule the wedding of his daughter, the desk agent confirms, but...
What is the real ecological crisis? Family and fertility decline threaten human and societal sustainability.
Is freedom purely external? True freedom comes from inner strength and spiritual liberation, not political victories.
When therapists advertise they are Latter-day Saints, clients expect them to provide services within the boundaries of Church guidelines. All too often, this is not the case.
When prophets have spoken unanimously and consistently, a “stupor of thought” is far more likely indicative of resisting truth than signaling enlightenment to see beyond it.
In an orderly and just world, religion would be just a cosmic vending machine. Unpredictable suffering makes true virtue possible.
When did we begin to lose trust in the news media? There are plenty of theories. Some suggest March 6, 1981, Walter Cronkite’s last broadcast.
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