How do changes to a sacred symbol like the temple garment reveal deeper concerns about judgment, modesty, and identity within the faith community?
What happens when most Americans stop trusting our institutions? We’re about to find out.
It’s not just a cliche. America really used to be great. At least many of us felt so—growing up loving…
Can a country founded on the idea that all of us are created equal accept Jesus’s admonition to see contention…
Are Latter-day Saints blind followers? Members use intuition, reason, and moral evaluation to trust and follow prophets.
This phrase comes up a lot among the influencer class. But what does it really mean—and is it really enough?
Do science and faith conflict? Both can contribute to our understanding of the gospel and our faith in Jesus Christ.
There is a moment where the Dreamers team is waiting to hear if they will attend an upcoming competition. They wait. Their coach comes out. “Yes,” she says. The group pauses. Nothing happens. The coach says yes again, and suddenly, everyone cheers. The scene is emblematic of the joys and shortfalls of Angel Studios’ latest...
What is the real ecological crisis? Family and fertility decline threaten human and societal sustainability.
Is freedom purely external? True freedom comes from inner strength and spiritual liberation, not political victories.