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Tag: Community


The Grinch Who (Almost) Stole Thanksgiving

How to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is a challenging question for many American families. Whatever the details of the decision, let’s hold on to the transcendent spirit of the holiday.

Media & Education

Stop Deleting Your Facebook

More and more of our friends and family are opting out of social media entirely. Honest question: What would Jesus do?


Rabbi Sacks, the Snow, and Our Common Humanity

As the election dust settles and the snow falls, some thoughts on something deeper than our many differences – a witness born most eloquently by the remarkable and recently deceased Rabbi Sacks.

Political Atmosphere

Dear America, We Can Still Do This!

Domestic peacekeepers are speaking out with everything they’ve got—reminding this country about its historic capacity to hold and work through serious disagreements productively. It’s time to listen before it’s too late.

Political Atmosphere

Must Everything Be Political?

When the places we used to find fellowship and connection as a community start to “take a stand” on political issues, where do we go to find that unity again?


Intersectional Anger on the Left and Right

What’s helpful about intersectionality, and how it can also be harmful (on both sides of the political spectrum). This continues our series on anger in America today (See also “Anger and the Modern Prophetic Voice”)


The Virtues of Strong Disagreement

Serious differences generate serious discomfort for us all. Could that be why they’re so good for us?


10 Lessons on the Beauty of Interfaith Harmony

Latter-day Saints see their faith as a receptacle of truth not just a dispenser of it, which explains the ease in finding so much that is “virtuous” and “lovely” in many traditions.

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